Information for Subs and Suppliers

Precipice Properties Group strives to make working on and supplying our projects as easy and financially rewarding as possible while delivering the highest quality and best value to our clients. One way we achieve these goals is thorough documentation of our expectations for the work and products provided to our projects by subcontractors, material suppliers, professional services firms, and equipment rental companies.

Bid Instructions

We provide detailed guidance for you to submit a bid that we can evaluate easily which makes your bid as competitive as possible.

PO Ts and Cs

We want you to know exactly what to expect when working with us or supplying materials or services.

Invoicing Instructions

Our subcontractors and suppliers invoice us by submitting a signed copy of the PO for the work or materials being invoiced and a signed Lien Waiver.

Lien Waiver

All subcontractors and suppliers must sign a lien waiver before payment will be made.